No time for a long post, so a quick one about running.
I am not an ultra or even a marathoner. I run for stress relief and fitness. In fact when I played baseball was a preteen/teen before discovering swimming, I hated running so much I was the catcher.
In 2003 a girl I liked invited me to go running with her — 3 miles she said. I honestly don’t think I’d ever tried to run more than the mandatory mile in PE… and to my surprise I was able to do it. I watched videos on how to actually run and immediately it became less injury prone and more enjoyable. (The biggest tip? Picture your knees as a railroad engine going through a circular motion/trying to avoid clomp clomp clomping.)
I’ve loved discovering the Bay Areas trails usually less than a 10–15 minute drive from my house. Did a new trail today in Santa Teresa County park. For me 5 miles is right at about when my hips or feet start hurting and long enough to completely clear my mind from the worries of the day.