Learning Impact 2018

Brandon Dorman
1 min readMay 25, 2018


A few immediate takeaways from the event this year:

  1. More discussion about issues of equity, security and student privacy.
  2. Competencies, Badges and Credentials!
  3. More collaboration between vendors and institutions. (Eg the Georgia DOE and PCG project for Total Learning Architecture)

For me personally, I actually understood most of what I saw and heard this year. This is the kind of working conference that is often missing at mass-market edtech conferences such as ISTE. This is all about the technology behind the scenes that makes everything else work. It’s where I end up with pages of notes and often more questions that lead to real learning. This year’s general questions/problems that I’ll be investigating are:

  • How to do extensibility well
  • Same language for competencies across specififications
  • Studying the Security specifications
  • Becoming more organized on Github for project work
  • Studying more about data types and implications for CASE

Twitter was actually pretty active this year, check out https://twitter.com/search?q=%23LILI2018&src=typd



Brandon Dorman

Believer in Human Potential; want to help people get there through software and learning. Classroom teacher, adjunct professor, data science enthusiast.