Interoperability Podcast
I finally came through on an idea I had a couple of months ago to do a podcast about interoperability.
Edweek recently published a great series of stories which was my inspiration to finally just sit down and get it done. I did a couple takes, and it’s not perfect, but is a good start. I listen to podcasts when I’m doing something else usually, so want it to be engaging enough to want to listen to but informative enough that when you’re done you’re thinking about something new in interoperability. I hope to record a couple guest episodes after the IMS quarterly meeting in a couple weeks, so watch out guest stars! If you’d like to be on it let me know as well!
Let me know your thoughts, topics you’d like to hear about etc. It’s less than 10 minutes this time but with interviews in the future I aim for about 30 minutes usually.